Sunday, November 2, 2008

Second Saturday at GDF- continued...

We had arranged to meet with Bernie, Marie, Marilyn and her guide, and Riki. Bernie and Marilyn were doing a tour, Bernie having a 9wk old lab/golden cross guide pup in training. Marie had her poodle pup in traning. :) Both dogs were just adorable and amazing in that they were very well behaved, you didn't know they were there when we ate and so forth! The pups did get a little playful with each other, but they were really awesome. I got a few pictures of them and Bernie's pup was just sooooooo cute!

Marie's Poodle Pup in training:

Marilyn coming up the walk with her guide:

Bernie doing what I hear that he does best- Tours and promoting GDF. :)

The PUPPY!!! :D

Who can resist that face! Suzi couldn't! :)

The two pups getting playful, which was quickly stopped since they are to learn to be good pups so they can some day grow up to be awesome guides. :)

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

We all loaded up in vehicles and drove to the Smithhaven mall area and ate lunch at the John Harvard's Brewery. It was delicious. :) It was really cool to get to talk with and meet so many faces that I've talked to on the GDF email list for so long now. :) We all ate a hearty lunch and all too quickly it was time to say our goodbyes. Bernie and Marilyn took off with thier dogs and Ricki said goodbye in the parking lot. We rode back to the foundation with Marie and her sweet daughter. :)

When we got back, Jodi came around and asked everyone what they thought thier dog's weight was. Honey was in the mid sixties, so I guessed 57lbs for Rei. Apparently I was dead on for her weight! :D They asked because they were going to see who was the closest and supposedly a prize of some sort. We took our ID picture and then Lisa came and got Suzi and I for the big moment. We filled out our graduation packs and contracts and were both offered full ownership of our dogs :) So Rei is officially my dog now. YAY!!!!

After this, we fed the dogs and had dinner, then I came back to the room until evening break. I took it easy in the room and set up an online photo album to share pictures with the rest of the class. Then we had evening break and I set my clocks back an hour and went to bed at 9:30pm for a good night of rest, which was badly needed. :)

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