Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday Decemeber 16th: Silly Girl, Katie's Living Pioneer Museum, & ICE everywhere!

okie dokie, bathrooms are done. ;) whoo hoo we are getting there! :) Need to fold laundry next and work on something for dinner after that.

On Tuesday, Dec. 16th- Meaghan showed me a new use for the cubbies we have in the playroom- What a stinker! :)

Meaghan with her head only out of the toy cubbie and a big cheesy grin on her face!

Another shot of Meaghan with her head out of the cubbie, head sideways and grinning from ear to ear of her accomplishment.

A farther off shot, showing that she is 3 1/2 ft off the floor and has her entire body inside this cubbie bin cabinet.

Don't ask me how she got in there, as I didn't see, but I definately pulled her out. LOL!

Then in the afternoon, Katie had her Pioneer Living Museum Day at school and the parents were invited to come. So Meaghan and I walked over to the school and Rei did beautifully. She was VERY good and I didnt have any problems with bumping into anything or what not and she was very good around all the kids too. The kids were also very good about asking first if they could pet and most didn't even ask, as I do know that the third grade classes have been learning about service animals, so they knew they shouldn't. The couple that did ask, I was quite impressed with the one little boy, he actually came up and said "Maam, may I please pet your dog?" I was shocked first off that he said Maam and secondly that he said please and waited until I answered. I thanked him heartily for asking first and being polite and he said "your welcome" and walked away with a big smile on his face. :)

So here is a few pictures of Katie, who had dressed up in the same outfit she did to go to the one room school house:

Katie with her buzz saw toy she made.

Giving the toy to a classmate to try out.

Katie with the Conastoga wagon that she made.

Katie trying out one of the other kids pioneer toys.

Meaghan trying out one of the other kid's pioneer toy.

After the hour was over for the parents to be there, since I walked to the school, Mrs. Orr invited Meaghan and I back to the class room with the class to hang out until school dismissed about 45 minutes later.

The kids then went over to the cabinet and listened to the featured kid of the week- the "Sea Star" of the week, as the room is in an ocean theme.

Then Mrs. Orr called everyone over to the reading rug and she sat in her rocking chair and read to all of the kids a story.

The kids sitting on the floor listening to Mrs. Orr read.

Katie and Meaghan sitting together.

The whole time, Rei was being a perfect angel, laying quietly at my feet as I watched the kids do thier thing. :)

Rei in harness, looking across the room, laying still at my feet.

Rei in harness, looking at me as if to say, "Are you taking my picture, AGAIN???"

Then it was time for the kids to gather their things and line up at the door by where we were sitting. Several of the kids asked if they could pet Rei and I went ahead and gave them permission. Very quickly, Rei was on her back for belly rubs and the kids were on thier knees, more than happy to give them. LOL!

Rei in a circle of kids, licking a little girls hand.

So then we walked home and the girls asked if they could play outside on the ice, as there was ice EVERYWHERE! I had Meaghan hold Rei first though to get a couple of pictures of her in harness for her puppy raiser. :)

Here's my pretty girl in front of the tree. It is so hard to get a good picture of a black dog!

So after I got pictures of Rei, the girls went in and changed into warmer clothes and we all came back out. The girls played on thier sled, sliding down the driveway and I turned Rei loose out in the back yard to play as well.

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The girls sliding down the drivway.

Goofy dog with her Kong toy. :)

Katie and Meaghan on their sled

One of my favorite pictures of Rei, even with it being a little blurry.

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