So we head to the park and had a picnic dinner together too before we headed home for bible study for the evening.
KT up in one of the forts looking down:

Miss J and MD looking down too:

AC ran into a friend from preschool and here's the two of them trying to decide where to hide next, as all the kids were playing Hide N Seek:

MD checking something out in one of the other peaks:

Then they all went to the Tire Swing- Miss J in the swing and MD talking with her:

AC- the boy that never stops when awake! LOL!:

MD & Miss J on the tire swing, KT pushing them:

A video of Miss J, AC, and KT on the tire swing and Hubby gets in on the action and pushes them- a bunch of laughing, giggling kids. LOL!
Then it was nearing time for dinner, so we went over to the shelter house and despite the buzzing bees, we ate PB & J with some Apples and juice.

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