Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Thursday Already...

Good Morning,

It is wet and rainy here, and supposed to be all day. :( I'm also feeling under the weather as I think I'm coming down with what Alex has had lately. I'm kinda stuffed up and throat is itchy. My ears are itchy and I'm sounding pretty hoarse at the moment, as well as just all and all tired and kinda achy. Meaghan was saying she had a stuffed up nose this morning too, so I hope she isn't coming down with it as well. Think Alex and I may both be taking naps this afternoon and I just take it easy today.

I didn't get to much more yesterday in the kitchen, as with all the coughing Alex did yesterday when he was down, it kept waking him up. He was coughing so bad he couldn't sleep, so he had a 25 minute nap and was wired, crabby, and very demanding for the afternoon. So needless to say, not a whole lot got done, other than picking up after him, who was being a little terror. Poor Honey has to endure the brunt of his boredom as she's the only one his size in the house during the day nowadays. I'm ready for the warm weather to get here so we can start going outside and burning some energy off.

After the girls took off with Grandma to swimming lessons, Alex, Honey, and I tried to go for a walk around the block. We took off and didn't make it too far when he tripped on an uneven part of the sidewalk and with his hands fully in his pockets, he landed on his chin. Needless to say we immediately turned around and headed back to the house, for which I was super thankful I was able to just hang onto Honey's leash and tell her FIND the gate! So she went straight to the gate as I was trying to carry him too. I turned her loose in the back yard and we went around to the garage and went in and cleaned him up. He has a nice scrape on his chin, some on his bottom lip, and a fat lip where he bit it. We got him all fixed up and went to let Honey in, and then Alex was game for going back outside, but playing in the yard. Honey ran around the yard as Alex played on the swings, and I picked up the majority of the sticks just outside the fence.

We then came in and started dinner before the girls got home and Daddy came home not too long after. After dinner and getting the kids too bed, I gave Amy a call. Amy is to be married soon and called her about a couple of things, as well as asking if there was anything I could help with on the wedding. :) She said she was going back and forth on possibly having Meaghan and Alex as her flower girl and ring bearer. :) She's debating whether to do that or her nephew, who is a little bit younger. Either way, we are fine with. :) Mike and I then watched the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie (staying up too late though) but it was nice to curl up together and watch a movie! :) Then went to bed and crashing until the alarm went off this morning and the kids drug me out of bed. LOL!

Well, I at least need to get the swimming towels in the washer and the suits out to hang dry, so will talk at you all later~

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

YAYYYY!!!!! MCSE Server 2003 Certified! :)

Yes! He did it! I'm so proud and elated that Mike passed both exams! He told me on the phone that since 2008 is coming out next month, he wants to start on that instead of waiting until the last minute to get the upgrades! LOL! I agree!

We are having a better morning with PT'ing though! :) Alex did mess his pants again, but after the clean up he pee'd real big in the potty! So big hugs and praises there with a chocolate covered raisen! :)

Ok off to get some lunch and hopefully get him down for a nap and then get the filing done here on the desk. I've made a pretty good dent here in the playroom of what I wanted to do, so happy with that. :) The kitchen is up next! ;)

Have a good one!

Wednesday- trash day and cleaning day!

Good Morning all!

Well the Trash truck has already run, so need go out and get the cans. :) Alex is still coughing, but not as bad now that he is up and moving about. Hopefully today will be a better PT'ing day. I think I smell a stinky diaper, so looks like he's already got that out of the way bright and early! ;)

Please say some prayers for Mike this morning, as he is at his second test at this moment and hoping to pass it for the upgrade to have his MCSE, not MCSA for server 2003. Will update once I hear on that.

Planning to work from the playroom on forward to the kitchen and dining room today. Going to go check that the bedrooms are picked up, but that shouldn't take too long after the cleaning I did yesterday.

We have today and tomorrow of swim lessons and then we'll get back to normal lives again with that! LOL! But then next week is spring break and then we have soccer practices on Wednesday nights after that!

Well, the stink is getting worse, so off to take care of that! Later!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday- PT'ing disaster day. LOL!

Ok so today DIDN'T go so well on potty training. I think I changed more wet pants and undies than anything else today. We did have ONE success- right before bed tonight! LOL! I know, I know it takes a while and he'll be grown up before I know it. *sigh* He already is growing up so fast!

As for Mike's test, I stand corrected on that. He has his MCSA 2003. (administrator) He's studying for another test he's hoping to take tomorrow? I think, in order to get his MCSE (engineer). So asking for prayers again for that!

I feel bad for my little guy though, he's in bed and coughing a LOT. :( He has a cold, which I think had part to do with the aweful PT'ing day, he simply didnt feel good. He was whiny and laid around a lot and was curled up in his microfiber blanket that he loves. He's only been eating so so, and while I'm watching closely, he's not showing his tell tale signs of any sort of infection yet. So we haven't made a trip the dr yet. Everything is still clear and he's not been poking at his ears, so I think we are just dealing with a common cold still.

I got a lot done today though, cleaning up the kids clothes/straightening drawers and thinning out sock and underwear drawers, which was desperately needed. I also decluttered in our bedroom and re-organized the bathroom hair thing drawers. Phew, what a mess there! So we can find things again. I will start back in tomorrow here in the playroom, as I started at the bedroom end of the house and was working my way this way. Got through some of the playroom, but need to declutter the desk and next up will be the kitchen. Talk about a disaster area there... That's my worst room in the house, always is it seems. Hopefully by end of the day tomorrow, I'll have most of that tackled. ;)

Well, I'm off to see what meds I can give to Alex in hopes he'll quit coughing and probably head to bed myself. I'm tired and dragging since I've been busy and haven't been napping in the afternoons with Alex as I did last week! LOL!

Oh- the girls have 2 more days of swimming and then we have spring break next week. And then the soccer fun starts up! Both girls are playing this season, Mike coaching both teams too. So we'll be spending LOTS of time at the fields on Saturdays for a while. ;)

Night all from us and Honey!

Monday, March 24, 2008


YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Mike passed it! :D Barely, with the minimum pass number but a pass is a pass! :D Whoo hoo!

Also, we are still dry and in the same pair of Thomas undies with two successful #1 trips to the potty, though I think I *may* be smelling something... We'll see. LOL! Wish me luck! ;)

ugh- yep, he we missed that we are wearing CARS undies now.

Alex got a hold of the camera when I was talking with Mike on the phone. He didnt do to bad! LOL!

Then he asked me to take a picture of him with Honey:

Ok back to it! TTYL!

It's Time to Potty Train!

Good Morning All!

This morning marks the start of aggressive potty training. Alex has been off and on about it and knows what he's supposed to do, but with all the crazies going on, we hadn't really focused on it and made it a priority. So now is the start of it. So we are armed with many pairs of knit pants and a stack of undies and have started. So far we have success, with one trip to the potty and dry undies. :) Wish us luck that it continues, as we normally have a mid morning #2, so hopefully we can get that one in the potty too! ;)

Also have lots to do today, a few emails to respond to, some hamburger to brown up, clothes to fold and put away, as well as general pick up. So doubt I'll be around much on the puter today.

Wish Mike luck as he is at this very moment taking the exam to upgrade his MCSE server 2000 certification to MCSE server 2003. Praying that he passes it, since it's the last month they offer this and he hadn't been able to study as much as he'd wanted. *fingers crossed and knees on the floor for this one*

Alrighty, I hope you all have a good one and bbl once I get word on how things went on Mike's test!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wanted to post this: Happy Easter!

Good Night All!

Happy Easter!

Today was a fun one, with the kids and family. Katie got to go to the state championships last night. She had a BLAST there. :)

Today we went to Dad and Sue's for dinner and following a yummy spagetti dinner, we had an egg hunt for the kids. :) Honey wanted to help, but we kept her on leash so she'd let the kids find the eggs instead. ;)

Checking out the Loot....

Sophie on the back of the couch:

Honey with Margaret, Sophie, and Grandmother (Aunt Nancy through the window)

So after all the festivities, we walked back home, and Honey of course did an awesome job of guiding me home. :) It's so awesome the feeling of liberation that she brings. :) I definately count my blessings with her.

Have a joyous one!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!!!!

Yep! Today Honey is the BIG 2!!!
We took a few pictures this morning and she got a chewy for a birthday treat.
Here's the birthday girl:

Yes, she's looking at me like what the heck are you doing to me! LOL!

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Friday!!!! :D

Yay, it's Friday, and almost the weekend. Unfortunately, Alex seems to have a cold! ugh. He has a runny/stuffy nose and is super whiny and didnt hardly nap today. :( The plan for the evening is to rent a Wii game and fix pizza and try to do a family night, since our lives have been so insanely busy lately and unable to take some down time. Hopefully the girls are in better moods than he is...

My dog chat for the day... Well I took Honey out to break. After she did her business, I let her go in the back yard, to go pick up the 3-4 piles Mike said were over by the drive gates. I didnt realize she'd been going in the yard so have been trying to make sure I pick up behind her so that the yard stays cleaned up and not have to worry about it. So I pick up the deposits and put them in the designated trash can and Im ready to call Honey in. Well, since I'd gone in the yard from the front gate, I knew the back door was locked, so not like I could go in the back door with her. So needed to bring her out the gate and in through the garage. So doing a real quick scan about the side yard, I call her to COME! Mind you Im standing there with the gate open and I don't get any response. Usually, especially in the back yard, Honey will come running, full gallop at my call. So I call again, wondering what she's getting into if she's not answering me. just as I start to take off into the yard, I get a big nudge in the back of my hand from a wet nose. LOL! She'd already came out the gate and was standing there waiting for me. DOH! Talk about feeling pretty stupid! LOL! So close the gate, tell her to heel and we walk on inside, me with a pretty sheepish grin on my face...

So what is everyone's plans for the Easter Weekend? Right now we have family night for tonight, Mike has his soccer coach meeting tomorrow morning from 8-10am, then he's covering an on call until noon. Katie will be going with Uncle Mike downtown to the basketball game and spending the night. We'll probably go to the 5pm service and then come home and take it easy for the evening with just Meaghan and Alex. Sunday, Mike said something about going and helping out with services and we have dinner at Dad and Sue's at noon, with an egg hunt for the kids. :) No small group meeting this week, thankfully!

So Happy Easter everyone! Or Happy Purim to the Jewish! (I know it started last night- but late is better than never right?)

A post for my AWESOME guide dog. :)

Yesterday the rains finally stopped and after the kids got home and Mike got home from Costco, Katie and I decided to go for a walk and Katie rode her bike. Man, am I sooooo out of shape. :( Hopefully we can work on that though. ;)

Then after we got back to the house, we went out in the back yard and Alex came out and we played for a bit, chatted with the neighbor, and Honey met the neighbor dog behind us, Wilson, for the first time. :) That was fun, as they ran and played back and forth up and down the fence. :)

So in this post, I'd like to share some pictures of my puppy and her sibblings from when she was little. :)

Honey- Female Golden Retriever Guide
Birth Date: March 22, 2006
Sire: Nugget Dam: Rosie
Littermate Siblings:
Casey - Guide
Dottie - Breeder
Riva - Breeder
Jake - Career Changed
- living the good life as a pet! :)

Pictures of the family!
Jake, Riva, Honey, & Casey

(I think I got that order right...)

The Same Four- August 2006

Honey in coat:

Riva and Casey:

Honey in the tub:


Honey at the bakery:

Honey with one of her AWESOME PW's! :)

Honey at the Firestation:

Rei,Me,Honey,Ms.Libby and Paul

At the Mall?


Casey's Graduation picture:

The first time we met- She was NOT too sure of me! LOL!:

Our Graduation Picture:

In her bed:

With a Stuffed Animal- She LOVES stuffed animals! LOL!:

How she usually sleeps:

An video of Jake:

I want to say a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Thank you to all of you Puppy Walkers, Puppy Rasiers, whatever you are called, for you diligence and dedication to raising these dogs to help those of us who need them to regain the independence and confidence to be a whole person again.

You have no idea what this means to us and we cannot express in words enough the Thanks for all that you do and endure in teaching these pups and then giving them away.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Katie's School Program

Ok Im slowly getting there! School Program (check)

Katie was the main star in her spring school program on Tuesday night. We didnt know this until Monday, when the Music teacher called asking about her costume. ;) Katie's best friend, Leah, is the little cow though! :) They were both soooo cute!

Anywho, we went and we bought the dvd to share with family, but I did get some pictures and tried to video some of it in segments, though they aren't very good quality at all...

The fox:

The videos:

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Well I need to get dinner, so will BBL with more. ;)