Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Eeek, soooo behind! Tuesday evening

Gosh, it's been an insane week... Let's see if I can recall and go back to last Tuesday eve and update from there.

Tuesday- we had our Great Banquet team meetings. Went to that and yet again, we had bad weather, and everyone was asked to go to a certain part of the church building. Honey took it all in stride and just did great. :) She lead me up and down the stairs and really, really has given me sooooo much independence. I can't imagine not having her now.

So then we left from our meetings and took off to pick the kids up at the sitter. Got home and everyone to bed, for a big day on Wednesday.


CMD said...

DE COLORES!! How are Great Banquet team preparations coming along? Which of the Indiana GB Communities are you in?

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris! De Colores!!!

We are in the Indy West Great Banquet community. Just finished the Men's weekend, which Mike was on team for that and I will be on Kitchen team for the Women's weekend. :) Check out the link on the lower right side of the page for the link to IWGB. :)
