After eating a wonderful meal, we went out and around to the Living Seas and with Honey went into the side entrance and immediately got on the ride, Katie and Mike in one car and Honey, Meaghan, & I in another. The ride was really neat with Nemo and his friend telling us all about the different animals in the tanks.

We then walked through the tank areas and the girls were just in heaven. They soooo love the tanks and seeing all the fish and such. Honey was pretty intrigued too! :) Mike and I think we ought to make a trip to Newport, KY to go to the Newport Aquarium, as much as they loved this! :)

I absolutely love this picture of the turtle swimming up towards the girls:

After we went through the aquarium area, we went to Talk with Crush, an absolutely amazing interactive show for the kids. The kids all sit on the floor at the front of a screen and the adults sit to the back on benches. A cast member starts out by talking a little bit about Crush, explaining that we have to call him out and that the kids can ask him any question they want about the oceans and so forth.
So the whole audience calls out Crush’s name and he comes popping out. Introduces himself in his cool self and asks the kids what questions they have. It was really amazing, as the children raised their hands and he’d say what child he was calling on and then ask the child it’s name. Then he’d respond saying the child’s name and asking what they’d like to know or what not. The child would ask their question and the interactiveness answered it. I’d love to know how they did it, as it was all digital. It was pretty funny too, as one kid asked Crush how fast he could swim and Crush swam around and back and out of sight and was swimming as fast as he could and bonked right into the screen/the “tank wall” and bounced backward off of it, making everyone in the audience gasp and laugh. There was a whole handful of children that got to ask questions and he answered them all. Then we all said goodbye to Crush and the kids were reunited with their parents as we filed out of the theater.
We came out of the Theater and headed to the doors to take that break that Mike suggested at the beginning of the morning to get the lovely picture I’d wanted and get to the overhang and it is pouring down rain. Then it starts to thunder. *sigh* As we are standing there waiting for it to let up a little bit, there was an opening about 10 inches tall going under the odd wall of this exterior, and Honey kept crawling under, me having to grab the harness handle pulling her back out until I moved her to in front of me and finally having to do a leash correction, telling her a firm NO! It did finally let up to a real light rain, but it was still thundering and Honey was pulling and upset.
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