Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Praise the Lord!!!!

This week is Great Banquet week and for a while now we have been trying to get this particular couple to go through Banquet. The wife was all for going but the hubby has been a hard sell. Well, thanks to God's work, in the last 3 days, the hubby has been open to the idea of going through the upcoming Men's weekend #9 this weekend. God had cleared his schedule of all committments, work, teaching, and other prior committments in amazing speed and we have the all clear and he is all set to go!!!!

We had prayed soooooo hard for the last three days for this to happen and it did! God is GOOD!!! :D

So on the home front, we are absolutely in hyper mode this week now as we are finalizing things for him, for the other gentleman we are also sponsoring, as well as keeping up the house, taking care of soccer, and have a baby shower to attend this weekend too. LOL!

Thank you to those of you that prayed with us on this, and Thank you Lord for making it happen!

I am sooooooo excited for this weekend, to see God's Glory work! :)

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